QuotetastropheLife-Learned Lessons in Quote Images & Videos

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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

516 Quote Images and Videos by Sid Dionela

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Who Am I @ Quotetastrophe?

Hi, I'm Que, a cat. Meow! Aka Sid Dionela. My mind won't stop producing inspirational and motivational quotes that's why I decided to create Quotetastrophe. Yes, a cat created this.

Not only it helps express my frustrations, it also enhances my skills as a graphic designer. Ooops, I forgot to tell you that besides being a cat, I am also a self-proclaim graphic artist with a heart of a developer. Meow!

What Is My Goal?

Hmm, I don't know. Meow! But being a Quotetastrophe author, I gained the freedom to express myself. Meow! Whether it is through stupid quotes or a seriously made advocacy.

To put it simply, I just want to be free. A selfish cat in this deafen world.

Apology In Advance To Our Friends

Sorry, my work might seem simple or childish, most of the time can put you in a confused state. I am a cat, remember. I don't care if I'm being understood by humans. But for me, everything I share has a deep meaning. Yes, of course, even the stupid ones. Meow! So please bear with me.

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Appreciate Those Honest Friends That Tell Us Our Mistakes

We still need to appreciate those
honest friends who
frankly tell us our mistakes.
Yet, lied about not having their wallet
on some occasions.

Romans 8:28 Bible Quotes Posters

We know that all things
work together for good for those
who love God,
for those who are called according
to His purpose.

Be as Genuine As Most of The Old Songs

A SMILE must be as genuine
as most of the OLD SONGS.
It must be HEARTFELT
and most of the time,
dedicated to the most IMPORTANT person.

Cameras Wasn't A Thing In Our Time

Cameras wasn't a thing in our time.
We remember by exchanging
embedded memories
while laughing in front of beer or wine.

Those Recurring Failures Doesn't Make You Fatigued

It's not those recurring FAILURES
that make you FATIGUED.
It's the DISTRUST in your goal
that stresses and forces you to QUIT.

Romans 8:38-39 Bible Quotes Posters

For I am persuaded that
neither death, nor life, nor angels,
nor principalities, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth,
nor any other created thing
will be able to separate us

Anger Will Never Understand Pain

ANGER will never
be able to understand
the PAIN it causes.