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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

It Is Not That Expensive to Invest In Nature

More Quotes Posters About True

Discover a collection of the best insightful and true to life quotes that will inspire and resonate with you. These quotes offer wisdom, perspective, and guidance for navigating the complexities of life.

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Accept that Sometimes the Reward for our Decency is Cruelty

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Do you feel…
Confined in a world full of similarities?
Where slight differences hold sad stories.

Do you think…
It’s normal to get filled with insecurities?
In a sad world so selfish in equality.

Oftentimes, We Wish to Go Back as Were Drowned By Pressures

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When everyone was forced to change,
there were some who managed to remember.
Slowly, we lose time and aged,
forced to miss out some of the adventures.

Oftentimes, we wish to go back,
as most were drowned by pressures.…

Adventures Drawn with Smiles are the Best to Reminisce


For once, we let ourselves rebel.
No one cares if the day doesn’t go well.
Days that made our innocence melt.
Are the happiest days we longed to felt.

All adventures drawn with smiles
are the best to reminisce.…

Dahil Laging may Pangakong Bukas Para sa Naghihintay


Subukan mong makuntento,
iwasan mo ang inggit at pagkaganid.
Madalas mang kayong talo’y,
salamat pa ding malayo sa panganib.

Dahil laging may pangakong bukas.
para sa umaangkin at naghihint…

Mapalad Kayong Mayroong Mapagmahal na mga Magulang


Huwag mo silang sigawan,
dahil lamang sa kanilang pagkukulang.
May hapdi sa kalooban,
ngunit nakangiti ka pang pagbibigyan.

Mapalad kayong mayroong
mapagmahal na mga magulang.

The Ones Who Live For Love and Creator won't Stumble


Life is a gift bestowed by heaven.
Those who use it to gamble,
sometimes creates a path that’s uneven.
But the ones who live for love and our Creator,
will easily walk without getting stumble.

We are just Blessed with Contentment


We are just blessed with

And happiness can be found everywhere,
sometimes it gathers around in circles.
You’ve been promised to smile since forever,
it’s up to you to remove those barriers.

Anxiety Persuades us by Accepting Our Excuses


Anxiety persuades us
by accepting our excuses.
Whispering it's okay
until we can no longer breathe
without refuses.

It is For the Best to Enjoy What’s Important


If everything is temporary,
it is for the best to enjoy
what’s important.
If we can only afford simplicity,
it doesn’t mean
we don’t aim for what’s relevant.

It's Easy to Forget That We've Always been Blessed


It's easy to forget
that we've always been blessed.
That everything is already given
if we just try.
It's not always necessary
to aim for the best.
Sometimes we just have to look
away from the sky.

In Order to Create Our Own Path, We Need to Ignore Voices


In order to create our
own path,
we may have to ignore
those unnecessary voices.

Kung Alam ko Lang na may Kaakibat Palang Sakit


Kung alam ko lang
na may kaakibat palang sakit
ang linyang
akala mo pinupulot ko lang ang pera!.
Binigyan ko sana ng yakap
ang mga magulang ko noong
panahong gustong-gusto nila kong bigyan
ngunit walang-wala …

Being Known as Kind and Respected is a Better Compliment


Most of the time,
being known as kind and respected
is a better compliment than
being beautiful.

Have a Laugh and Acknowledge That a Lifetime is not Enough


Have a good laugh
with your family.
Acknowledge that a lifetime
is not enough to
collect happy memories.

Treasure Those Memories That Mold You to be Your True Self


Treasure those memories
that mold you to become
Especially the silly ones
that always bring a smile to your face.