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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

Differences are Attribute that Holds Unique Stories

Differences are attribute
that holds unique stories with
deep feelings,


Even a Beautiful Flower Can be Labeled Cheap

Even a beautiful flower can be labeled
cheap and inferior in someone’s eyes.
It isn’t about the differences,
it is just discontentment that makes us blind.

Every Night has This Two Beautiful Colors

Every night has this two beautiful colors.

Black that teaches you the wrongs
and help prevent you from downfall.

And the light that reassures hope,
that keeps you focus on future goals.

Friendship That Lasts Forever, Goodbyes Denied by Time

Once in a blue moon, we cross paths.
Sad. We’ve seats that weren’t meant to be blank.
Respect, as we take off our hat.
This first toast is for those who made us laugh.

Friendship that lasts forever
and som…

Happiness is Adventure Made by Our Own Heart

As we age we easily get tired
of constantly trying and failing.
We believe a slight dent is
unprofessional and unappealing.

As we listen to the voice of our ego
and follow the standards.
We failed and forget that…

Oftentimes, We Wish to Go Back as Were Drowned By Pressures

When everyone was forced to change,
there were some who managed to remember.
Slowly, we lose time and aged,
forced to miss out some of the adventures.

Oftentimes, we wish to go back,
as most were drowned by pressures.…

What We Treasure are Stories that Needed No Recordings

What we treasure are memories.
Stories that needed no recordings.
Bond that turn friends to families.
Laughs that we thought
would last with no endings.

Until time slowly consume our youth
and curiosity.

Adventures Drawn with Smiles are the Best to Reminisce

For once, we let ourselves rebel.
No one cares if the day doesn’t go well.
Days that made our innocence melt.
Are the happiest days we longed to felt.

All adventures drawn with smiles
are the best to reminisce.…

Days that Flew Fast Wondering What Made Everything Apart


The times we had the most mistakes.
Yet felt proud from all the consequences.
The nights we found the rarest laughs.
That sparked an oath to love what we have.

Those days just flew fast
wondering wha…