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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

Strive For Fulfillment Instead of Searching For Happiness

Strive for fulfillment
instead of searching for happiness.
For we can never be satisfied
with just happiness.
But to appreciate whatever life offers
is the same as giving value
to all God's present.

1 Chronicles 16:34 Bible Quotes Posters

Oh give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good,
for His loving kindness
endures forever.

Teach Us the Importance of the Things We Should Have Fought

Loneliness is an important
part of life that teaches us
the importance of the things that we
should have fought for.

Don't Get Used To Living With Selfishness And Inequality

When you let pride and greed
teach you to aim high.
Be prepared to get used to living with
selfishness and inequality.

The Smiles We Create Will Always be Etched in our Hearts

Most of the things that remind us
of our fondest memories
will either change or disappear.
But the smiles we create
will always be etched in our hearts.

A Clear Mind Sings in the Midst of Trouble

Clear your mind
and sing in the midst of trouble.
Or stress yourself
thinking that you're not capable.