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137 Depressing Quotes To Teach Us What to Value More

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Sometimes, depressing quotes can offer valuable insights and teach us to appreciate what truly matters in life. Explore a collection of thought-provoking quotes that will inspire you to cherish the important things and find meaning in difficult times.

Here's a collection of thought-provoking and introspective quotes that delve into the realm of sadness and introspection. Explore this compilation of depressing quotes that capture the complexities of the human experience.

What We Get From Sharing Depressing Quotes?

Expressing Our Sadness Through Quotes Free Us From Stress

When no one listens, we can express it through writing our feelings and depression. A simple depressing might be short, but it contains stories and deep meanings. Letting go of the anxiety helps makes us feel refreshed. Can lessen the feeling of regrets and guilt. Practice reading or sharing depressing quotes to spread the feeling of freedom and knowledge, that depression and anxiety can be lessen. When we work together.

We Learn Sympathy Through Reading Depressing Poems

Sympathy helps us understand the pain and feeling of others. By sharing quotes we express our pain and stories. And by reading short depressing quotes, we learn and understand the sadness of others. What they go through. And how they conquer the sadness. Reading is always one of the best way to learn. Through reading or sharing depressing quotes from others we learn and understand the pain without going through it.

We Understand The Danger Of Anxiety Through Quotes

Anxiety is one of the worst enemy we can have. The longer we embrace it, the deeper and deeper it gets on our brain. Realizing its danger through reading quotes or messages can help us understand it clearer. Read someone's sad story and learn from it. Through our quotes we share the danger of depression and how positivity and faith can help cope with it.


Share the knowledge you gain here to your friends and loveones. Because you will never know what is hiding in someone's heart. Because anxiety can easily trick us with a smiling face and a fake "I'm okay".

Don't forget to like and share our quotes on your favorite social media sites. For comments and feedbacks, you can send your comments in our contact us form or follow our Facebook page @quotetastrophe.

I Envy the Child in Me Who Never Gets Tired of Hoping

I envy the child in me
who never gets tired of hoping.
For I just know I’m an adult
and I have to keep going.

Hold Me Tight and Fake the Night Until the Last Tear Falls

Hold me tight
until the last tear falls.
Mask the night
with lies to clear my thoughts.
things until it’s my fault.

Thorns of Discontent That Taught Us Too Much Pride

To get envious
of the things that others have.
And disregard
those minutes that made us laugh.
Neglecting love
that tirelessly gave a chance.
Thorns of discontent that taught us
too much pride.

I Feel Jealous when Others Use The Words I Wanted to Say

I feel jealous
when others use the words
I wanted to say.
Wishing I could
also enjoy what seems common
in their tray.
Envy and loss
can tempt my mind to feel less
and shy away.
Letting God know

It's Just Sad That Some People Lack Consideration

She only wants
your heartfelt appreciation.
For your apology
only feeds depression.
You’re not to blame
if she’s taught to show affection.
Just sad that some people
lack consideration.

Life is a Onetime Travel, Focus and Enjoy Every SideTrip

You either focus on the road or

My Fate is for Me to Decide, I'm Just Letting You In

Hey anxiety!
My fate is for me to decide.
I'm just letting you in
for a quick ride.

Might as Well Try to Find Positivity in Whatever Situation

In the end,
everyone will be visited by
a gloomy conclusion.
Might as well
try to find positivity in
whatever situation.

Make It Okay, Believe You Can For You are God's Child

Don't feel sorry
for constantly failing
when you tried.
Cry, retry, pray,
and just let your heart
help you decide.
Call it a day,
wait for tomorrow
to be as bright.
Make it okay,
believe you can,…

Turning Back Time and Undoing Everything I Did Wrong

To walk alone,
until a familiar face
appears in my mind.
Keep dreaming on,
turning back time and
undoing what I did wrong.