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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

A Day Filled With Opportunities is Disguised As

A day filled with
opportunities is disguised as
one Earth's rotation.
And the time you spend ignoring
these chances
can be called as hesitation.

Deuterenomy 31:6 Bible Quotes Posters

Be strong and courageous.
Don’t be afraid or scared of them,
for Yahweh your God himself
is who goes with you.
He will not fail you nor forsake you.

I Am Not Longer Affected By Romantic Heart Breaks

I am no longer affected
by romantic heart breaks.
Because I am more focused on
the annoying pain of my
back aches.

Let's Pray to Alleviate Our Confusion

Let's pray to alleviate
our confusion.
Acknowledge that a calm mind
can come up
with a thousand solutions
for a hundred problems.

I Consider My Tears to be as Significant as My First Cry

I consider my tears
to be as significant as my first cry.
It should always signify
the beginning of a new life.

What We Learn Today May Not Be Applicable

What we learn today
may not be applicable tomorrow.
But will definitely be
an important tool as we grow.

A Second of Whispering a Prayer For Strangers

A second of whispering
a prayer for strangers
is an hour
of blessing and abundance
for ourselves.

A Person Who Believes

A person who believes
that a bad day can be easily
erased with smiles and
heartfelt prayers has no limits.

Psalms 90:14 Bible Quotes Posters

Satisfy us in the morning
with Your loving kindness,
that we may rejoice
and be glad all our days.

Categories: Faith Quotes

Every Good Opportunity You Fearfully Rejected

Every good opportunity you
fearfully rejected may not be as valuable
as your excuses.
But it might be an important scene to
someone that you selfishly erased because
of being faithless.