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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

Hope is Something You Can Always Find

HOPE is something you
can always find.
But FAITH, which should always be
is the one who will LIFT YOU up.

The Worst Thing We Can Do Is To Disrespect

The WORST thing
we can do is to
the people who
their health and happiness
for the sake of our

Treat Your Emotions With The Same Respect As Your Health

Treat your emotions with the
same respect as you treat your health.
Because constantly wearing a fake smile
not only makes you numb
but also slowly erodes your confidence.

Knowledge is the Armor That Will Help Safeguard You

Knowledge is the armor
that will help safeguard
you from this sometimes
deceitful world.

Proverbs 17:22 Bible Quotes Posters

A cheerful heart makes
good medicine,
but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones.

Be Cautious With People Who Are Capable Enough

Be cautious with people
who are capable enough to
understand someone's story.
Yet, evil enough to laugh and
not show empathy.

I Thought Twice Before Sending

I thought twice before
sending you those hurtful words.
The first was while typing,
and the second was
when I Googled the spelling.

It's Natural To Feel Pain

It's natural to feel pain.
But choosing to embrace sadness
is a weakness.
Try not to live in disdain.
Accept that pain is made
by the brain, not the heart.

A True Friend Isn't Afraid to Laugh

A true friend isn't afraid
to laugh at your most serious plans.
Because the plan to help you
pave the path to make it happen
is always in motion.